Sunday, December 31, 2017


Почти правильный вариант чебуреков. Правильный в смысле нежирности.
А так - вкусняшка, остановиться невозможно :) Переедание гарантировано.

Когда Costco объявит конкурс на рецепты из их продуктов - моим чебурекам обеспечен приз в категории "ем не могу остановиться"

Список продуктов
- Вместо тесто - uncooked flour tortillas

- Говяжий фарш
- 2 средние луковицы

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Witch's Butternut Squash Soup

Fall is a magical season, it calls for magical recipes.
Witch in the kitchen book is full of them :)
And butternut squash soup is my absolute favorite.

1. 2 cups of butternut squash - peeled, cubed
2. One potato - peeled cubed

I make cubes really small - it cooks faster.
Simmer with a small amount of water until soft. 

3. One half medium onion, minced
4. One garlic clove, minced

Fry with olive oil until you like it. Add to the squash and potato pan.

5. One medium apple, peeled, cubed
6. One cup apple juice

Add to the squash and potato pan. Simmer until apple is soft.
Mix-mix-mix. Blend-blend-blend.
Salt-pepper to taste. 
The recipe calls for nutmeg - I chose cinnamon. Add nuts (or not) and enjoy!